주소 211 East 43rd Street New York, NY 10017
전화번호 +1 212-867-8700
팩스번호 +1 212-867-7666
홈페이지 http://www.rennert.com
설립년도 1973년
학교위치 New York New York City(Manhattan)
운영레벨 10레벨
학급당 학생수 최대 10명
한국학생비율 25%
평균재학생수 300
국제학생비율 20여개국
소재도시 New York City(Manhattan)
학교종류 사설학교
학교주요시설 Student lounge, TVVCR/DVD system, Multi-Modal Lab
Rennert Bilingual 은 뉴욕의 맨하탄 중심에 위치하며 지난 25년간 포괄적이고 다양한 프로그램을 제공해 오고 있습니다. 교재 뿐만 아니라 오디오, 비디오, 컴퓨터, 현장견학 등을 통해 효과적인 영어학습을 제공하고 있습니다.
맨하탄에 위치하는 홈스테이 생활을 통해 자연스럽게 미국의 문화와 영어를 익힐 수 있고 학생들의 요구에 따라 학교 주변의 호텔을 이용할 수도 있습니다. Rennert Bilingual의 미디어 센터에서 학생들은 최첨단의 시청각 시설을 이용하여 문법연습이나 발음, 토플이나 토익 시험준비를 할 수도 있습니다.
일반영어 뿐만 아니라 비즈니스 영어, 4시간의 영어수업과 댄스 수업에 참가할 수 있는 댄스 + 영어 프로그램 , 주니어 인턴쉽 프로그램, 토플 준비반, 토익준비반, 개인교습 등 다양한 프로그렘을 제공하고 있습니다
뉴욕 시의 상징이자 관광 중심지인 맨하튼은 5개 자치구 가운데 외부인들이 가장 잘못 알기 쉬운 곳입니다. 그들은 타임스 광장 주변의 극장가, 상점의 거리로 유명한 5번가와 주변의 금융기관들, 보헤미안들의 괴상한 생활을 볼 수 있는 이스트빌리지와 소호, 이국적인 풍경의 차이나타운, 독특한 멋을 풍기는 리틀이탤리와 할렘 등을 주마간산식으로 보고 마는 것이 보통이기 때문입니다.
얼핏 볼 때 맨하튼은 마천루와 휘황한 불빛과 광적인 속도의 도시, 또는 기인과 신경증 환자와 전위파들의 섬에 지나지 않습니다. 57㎢의 면적에 140만 명이나 되는 거주자들이 꽉 들어차 있습니다. 할렘?이스트?허드슨 강으로 이어지는 강변의 길이는 69km나 되지만, 그 오염된 물에서 슬럼가의 아이들이 헤엄치고 있는 것이 간간이 보일 뿐이고, 어부들이 고기를 낚는 일도 드뭅니다.
맨하튼 섬의 북쪽 끝 지구 인우드에 밀집한 아일랜드인의 선술집 동네가 할렘 강 건너까지 확산되어, 본토의 브롱크스 구의 영역 가운데 두어 개 블록이 맨하튼 구에 편입되어 있습니다. 인우드에는 맨해튼에 남은 몇 에이커의 삼림이 있으며, 무료 유원지에서 아일랜드인들이 그들의 국민적인 스포츠 헐링과 게일릭 축구를 즐깁니다.
마찬가지로 이탈리아인들이 즐기는 보치 경기(이탈리아식 볼링)를 위한 구장들이 남쪽으로 멀리 떨어진 리틀이탤리에 가꾸어져 있습니다. 컬럼비아대학교 주변의 모닝사이드하이츠에는 대학가의 지적인 분위기가 감돌고, 그 아래로는 쓸쓸한 할렘가가 동쪽과 북쪽으로 뻗어 있습니다.
대외적인 평가
Rennert Bilingual은 맨하튼 중심가의 편리한 장소에 위치해 있어 뉴욕을 세계적인 도시로 만든 다음과 같은 명소와 가깝습니다: 타임 스퀘어, 링컨 센터, 국제 연합의 국제 외교, 브로드웨이의 극장들, 센트럴 파크, 이스트 빌리지의 유흥가, 그리니치 빌리지의 카페들, SOHO 및 트리베카에서의 쇼핑, 그리고 전세계에서 가장 다양한 종류의 식당들
한반 정원이 10명을 초과하지 않고 회화중심의 수업으로 이루어지는 학교입니다.
※ 학생 휴식 시설 : 스낵, 커피, 음료수 판매 기계 설치, 학생 전용 센터(MULTI MODAL CENTER) : 10am-6pm까지 개방
[Vacation ‘N Learn]

무비자 프로그램, 12주까지 수강 가능

방학영어는 영어수업과 방학,휴가를 함께 즐길수 있는과정/방학기간이용/무비자(ESTA)로 어학연수를 할수 있는 과정

일반영어:16레슨/주 (오전9:00-12:40 or오후2:00- 4:05 중선택) 신청기간:2주~
-학급인원 : 평균 7~ 최대10명
-레벨 :기초에서 고급까지 10단계
-기간 : 최소 1주~12주까지
매주 월요일
[Rapid Progress 20/30]

[Rapid Progress 20]

준집중 과정으로서 여러분의 교실에서 이루어지는 학습과 보충학습,자유시간 활동을 균형있게 배분 할수 있습니다.수업기건은 최소2주부터 자유롭게 등록이 가능합니다.
-일반영어:20레슨/주 (오전9:00-12:40 or 오후2:00-5:40 중 선택)
-학급인원 : 평균 7~ 최대10명
-신청기간:2주~(기간조절이 자유롭기를 희망하는 학생에게 추천
-레벨 :기초에서 고급까지 10단계
-기간 : 최소 1주~48주까지

[Rapid Progress 30]집중영어과정

학생들은 배치 시험을 보고 인터뷰를 한 후에 자신의 영어 수준에 맞는 학급에서 7-10명의 그룹으로 수업을 받습니다.
수업은 월요일부터 금요일까지 하루에 총 6시간씩 실시됩니다. 오전에는 4시간 동안 다기능 학급에서 수업을 받습니다. 오후에는 다른 특별하고 개인적으로 필요한 언어 분야의 능력을 개발하기 위해 2시간 동안 선택 수업을 받습니다.
이 총 30시간의 수업은 최대한의 학습 기회를 제공하므로 저녁 시간과 주말에는 자유롭게 뉴욕의 모든 것을 경험할 수 있습니다.

- 수업시간 : 30레슨/주당 (1레슨 50분수업, 오전, 오후 6시간수업)
-학급인원 : 평균 7~ 최대10명
-레벨 :기초에서 고급까지 10단계
-기간 : 최소 1주~48주까지
매주 월요일
[English for Academic Purposes]

Rennert level 5 이상, 1주 20레슨

Renner offers English for Academic Purposes to help you learn the skills you will need to succeed in academic life in universities here or abroad. This semi-intensive Academic English course is offered at the intermediate level and above to prepare you for your academic future. Small classes with 10 students or fewer focus on critical thinking skills and strategies, research techniques, academic writing ,reading, listening, and note-taking skills which are essential for academic success. Program duration 2 to 30 weeks.
매주 월요일 개강
[Business English]

Rennert level 5 이상, 1주 20레슨

실제 비즈니스 현장에서 쓰이는 실질적인 영어를 배우는 과정으로 취업을 준비하는 학생들에게 효과가 높은 프로그램/주별 모듈로 운여되며,마케팅,회계,고객서비스등의 다양한 방면의 영어를 배우는 과정

-비즈니스영어:20레슨/주 (첫주부터 각 주별 모듈로 운영)
-학급인원 : 평균 7~ 최대10명

Week 1: First Impressions
Week 2: Motivation
Week 3: On Schedule
Week 4: New Ideas
Week 5: Customer Service
Week 6: Ethical Business
Week 7: Making Decisions
Week 8: Outsourcing
Week 9: Employees
Week 10: New Business
Week 11: Communications
Week 12: Change
Week 13: Facts & Figures
Week 14: Culture
Week 15: Performance
Week 16: Career Breaks
매주 월요일 개강

매주 월요일 개강
[Absolute Beginners]

Absolute Beginners may book the 5-lessons English Essentials Tutorial during their first 2 weeks (Max 2 weeks;Absoulte Beginners only). This program must be booked in addition to a 16-, 20- or 30- lessons program.
매주 월요일 개강
[Business English in Action and Volunteer]

Add one of these internship options to your Business English or Vacation ‘N Learn course. Practice all you’ve learned in class in a real-life business environment in either New York City or Miami South Beach. Each city offers a variety of fields in which to practice your English communication skills.

Business English in Action
레벨 7이상, F-1 visa required, Add to any 20 lesson American English Program

-Practice your English communication skills in a real world setting. Add this option to the Business English
-class (F-1 visa required) to gain exposure to one of a variety of fields such as marketing, public
relations, architecture, fashion, IT or the arts.

*How it works
Spend weeks 1 and 2 in Business English class (student visa required) for 20 hours per week.
After class, create a resume and practice your interview skills. Weeks 3 to 14, attend Business English class and participate in Business English in Action where you'll practice English in a New York company.

*Class Schedule
-Business English Class: 20 hours per week
-9:00am to 1:00pm or 2:00pm to 6:00pm
-Business English in Action: Approximately 20 hours per wee

[Vacation and Volunteer]
레벨 7이상, visa not required, Add to any Vacation ‘N Learn Program of 8 weeks or less

-Practice your English communication skills in a real world setting. Add this option to your Vacation 'N Learn program
-(no student visa required) to gain exposure to a field such as marketing, public relations, architecture, fashion, IT or the arts as a volunteer.

*How it works
Spend 4 weeks in Vacation 'N Learn class (no student visa required) for 16 hours per week where you will improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Then, spend 4 to 8 additional weeks volunteering in a real world environment where you can practice the English skills you’ve learned.

*Class Schedule
-Vacation 'N Learn Class: 16 hours per week for 4 weeks
-9:00am to 1:00pm or 2:00pm to 6:00pm
-Vacation and Volunteer: Volunteer for 4 or 8 weeks
영어연수와 연계
[Academic Year/Academic Semester]

24, 36, 48 주
Take advantage of reduced, long-term pricing in a Semester or Academic Year immersion in the English language and culture. Students can study in two destinations at Rennert’s NYC and SoBe locations.

Long-term pricing includes :
-Classes in NYC or SoBe
-TOEFL Preparation (minimum 4 weeks)
-Cambridge exam preparation
-Business English
-No program change fees

Additional charge for :
-Arts Plus English programs
-Internship placement fee
-Cambridge exam fee

*Academic Year start dates : Any Monday;Pricing includes:TOEFL Preparation (min 4 weeks), Cambridge Exam Preparation, Business English. No Program change fees. English for Academic Purposes can be booked for a maximum of 30 weeks and students can start any Monday.
매주 월요일
[Exam Preparation Course]


TOEFL시험 성적을 위한 집중화된 토플시험 준비과정으로 듣기,쓰기,말하기,읽기 각 영역별 능력을 모두 공부하는 과정,고득점 노하우,전략

-TOEFL 준비반:20레슨/주
-학급인원:최대7-10명 소규모
-고득점 노하우,전략
-대학에서 요구하는 영어능력을 쌓는데 중점
-수업은 시험전략에 관한 조언,모의시험 컴토&알찬구성.

Highlights of the program include:

-20 lessons per week; five days per week; four lessons per day
-Advanced TOEFL classes are from 9:00am to 12:40pm and intermediate classes run from 2:00pm to 5:40pm; class times may vary on occasion with notice given to students
-Small groups with a maximum of 10 students
-Emphasis on speaking and academic writing
-Certificate upon course completion
-Students can start any Monday


Rennert administers the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). TOEIC is an English proficiency test for international communication in the business world. The TOEIC exam is a 3-hour, multiple choice test divided into listening and reading sections. A high TOEIC score is an impressive addition to your resume and is an important credential for your next job application and a key to professional success. Rennert administers the TOEIC exam once each month at our school.

[Cambridge FCE and CAE]

세계적으로 공인된 캠브리지 시험을 대비하는과정/영어의 모든 영역에 대해 집중적인 영어공부가 가능

*FCE and CAE (30 lessons)
Improve your work and study prospects! We'll lead you through all the skills needed to succeed for the FCE and CAE exams in this rigorous course. Our expert instructors simulate exam conditions and conduct practice exams to provide you with the best preparation possible. Both FCE and CAE courses include 30 lessons per week, and run from 10 - 12 weeks. The exam is given in the week following the completion of the preparation course, so an additional week of accommodations is required for students during the exam period. Before booking, students must take a qualifying pre-test to insure an appropriate level of English.

Cambridge FCE, CAE courses key facts:
캠브리지 준비반:30레슨/주
학급인원:최대12명 소규모
FCE: Intermediate(중급)
CAE: Upper Intermediate(중상급)
CPE: Advance(상급)-1:1개인레슨만 운영

FCE10주:1/2, FCE12주:3/13,9/18
CAE10주 1/2,CAE12주 3/13,9/11
TOEFL 매주 월요일
[Academic Year/Academic Semester]

24, 36, 48 주
Take advantage of reduced, long-term pricing in a Semester or Academic Year immersion in the English language and culture. Students can study in two destinations at Rennert’s NYC and SoBe locations.

Long-term pricing includes :
-Classes in NYC or SoBe
-TOEFL Preparation (minimum 4 weeks)
-Cambridge exam preparation
-Business English
-No program change fees

Additional charge for :
-Arts Plus English programs
-Internship placement fee
-Cambridge exam fee

*Academic Year start dates : Any Monday;Pricing includes:TOEFL Preparation (min 4 weeks), Cambridge Exam Preparation, Business English. No Program change fees. English for Academic Purposes can be booked for a maximum of 30 weeks and students can start any Monday.
매주 월요일
[Professional English Program]

For more than 40 years Rennert has been training the world’s leading executives and professionals. Build confidence in English and your professional communication skills with small group of 5 students max. Focus on in-depth analysis of case studies, negotiating, management styles, team and relationship building, trends, ethics and more. Share ideas with other professionals via presentations, e-mail practice, telephoning role plays and in a real-life social setting at Rennert’s complimentary lunches and wine and cheese events.

Professional courses offered :
Professional Group : (5 clients max) Full time : 30 hours per week, Part time : 15 hours per week
Professional Private : Full time : 30 hours per week, Part time : 15 hours per week
Professional Combination : 15 hours group + 15 hours private lessons per week
English for Specific Purposes : Intensive, one-week workshops in Sales and Marketing, Law and Finance, 15 hours per week; specific start dates apply
Add-on Electives : Advanced Conversation & Writing for Business, Skype and telephone follow-up courses
매주 월요일 개강
English for Specific Purposes courses는 아래의 스케줄에 개강함.

[Finance, Sales and Marketing, Law]
Finance (1 week) : 4/13, 7/13, 8/3, 9/14
Sales and Marketing(1 week) : 4/20, 7/20, 8/10, 9/21
Law(1 week) : 4/27, 7/27, 8/17, 9/28
[Private Lesson Package]

1대 1 수업 Package 프로그램
*뉴욕센터는 1대 1 수업, 오후 4시 이후 가능합니다.
매주 월요일 개강
[Arts Plus English Programs]

Rennert International's Arts plus English program gives you an opportunity to enhance your English studies with part-time courses in fashion, dance, vocals, music, filmmaking, make-up artistry, acting and cooking at some of New York's most respected cultural and artistic organizations. Our plus English programs enable you to explore your creative aspirations, learn from some of the best teachers in New York, and meet other international students who share your cultural interests.

New York
-Steps on Broadway : 2 week minimum any Monday
-Fashion Intensive : 4 weeks, start date ; 7/13
Music:Private Lessons : 9 weeks, start date ; Any Monday
-Make-Up Artistry : 9 weeks, 1/5, 3/23, 6/1, 8/10, 10/19
-Photography Beginner Digital : 6 weeks, 2/2, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 8/31, 10/5, 11/2
-Photography Beginner Digital Intensive : 3 weeks, 7/6, 8/3
-Digital Film : 3D Animation : 4 weeks, 7/6, 8/3
-Super-Intensive Film or Digital Filmmaking : 8 weeks total, 1/5, 2/2, 3/9, 4/6, 5/4, 6/8, 7/6, 8/3, 9/7, 9/28
-Super-Intensive Acting : 8 weeks total, 2/2, 4/6, 6/8, 8/3, 9/28
매주 월요일 또는 지정된 날짜에 개강
(프로그램에 따라 다름)
[Gap Year/University Combination Programs]

Experience college life in NYC and earn college credits toward a degree. Spend 6 months or longer in NYC improving your English and preparing for college classes at Berkeley College in midtown Manhattan. First, take a minimum of 12 weeks of English to prepare for university life. Then transfer to Berkeley College where students choose among credit-bearing courses in Business, Fashion Business, Principles of Marketing and Management, or Business Law.
-24 Week Program Winter :
Rennert start date : 1/5
Berkeley College start date : 4/6

-24 Week Program Spring/Summer :
Rennert start date : 4/6
Berkeley College start date : 7/6

-24 Week Program Spring/Summer :
Rennert start date : 6/29
Berkeley College start date : 9/28

Currently being offered and accepted worldwide, the Best Practices in TESOL Certificate upholds the highest standards in TESOL training. The certificate is issued by World Learning’s SIT Graduate Institute, a prestigious American university that is a global leader in language teaching instruction. It is an internationally recognized TESOL qualification especially designed for non-native speakers of English who plan to teach, or are currently teaching, in their home countries.
Over a period of six weeks, participants gain professional competence as English teachers through interactive workshops, guided lesson-planning, practice teaching with real ESL learners, and comprehensive peer and trainer feedback. This intensive program offers a minimum of 210 hours of instruction and requires that participants teach for six hours to actual adult students.

The course is suitable for both aspiring English teachers and current English teachers wanting to gain additional skills in communicative language teaching and a TESOL certification that will give them a competitive edge to teach in their home country.

6 weeks. Total 210 hours. 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday
Due to the demanding nature of the course, potential students are required to complete an application and have a phone interview with the Head of Teacher Training before they are accepted. Their educational backgrounds, reasons for taking the course and English proficiency will all be evaluated during the application process.

A highly recommended option is to combine your basic TESOL course with supplemental specialty courses to take the Total TESOL Package.

Opportunity to Interact with American School Children
Rennert is very happy to offer, through a partner program Global Classroom, a wonderful opportunity for aspiring or existing non-native speaking teachers to visit school(s) here in New York. You will meet American school children and deliver one, or a series of, cultural workshop(s) to them. This is a rare chance to share your culture with American kids while learning more about them and about education here in the U.S. This is a fun and rewarding add-on to the Best Practices in TESOL Certificate course; and is completely free. It can be done before or after the TESOL course.
유학원에 문의해주세요.
과정 기간 학비
Rapid Progress (주20레슨) 12주 US $ 4,056
Rapid Progress (주25레슨) 12주 US $ 4,620
Rapid Progress (주30레슨) 12주 US $ 5,220
English for Academic Purposes(주20레슨) 12주 US $ 4,056
English for Academic Purposes(주20레슨) 24주 US $ 8,112
Business English(20레슨) 12주 US $ 4,056
TOEFL Success주20레슨 12주 US $ 4,416
TOEIC Preparation 주30레슨 12주 US $ 5,580
IELTS 주30레슨 12주 US $ 5,580
Cambridge FCE 주30레슨 10주 US $ 4,385
Cambridge CAE 주30레슨 10주 US $ 4,385
기타비용 :
등록비 : $155
교재비 :$69
캠브리지 시험응시료 : $ 320
토익 시험 : $ 95
숙소예치금 : $ 95 건강 & 여행 보험 : $68
공항 픽업비(편도) : JFK$205, Newark$250
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