주소 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570
전화번호 +1 914-773-3820
팩스번호 +1 914-773-3822
홈페이지 http://www.pace.edu/eli/westchester-campus/eli-programs-0/intensive-program
설립년도 1906
학교위치 New York Westchester
운영레벨 3레벨
학급당 학생수 12-16
한국학생비율 30
평균재학생수 500
국제학생비율 남미 아시아 유럽
소재도시 Westchester
학교종류 대학부설
학교주요시설 컴퓨터 랩, 멀티미디어 랭귀지 랩, 인터넷과 도서관 등 대학의 모든 시설 이용가능
인증 aaiep
Pace University ELI 는 국제학생과 이민자를 대상으로 하는 영어 프로그램으로 the New York City campus in lower Manhattan 과 the Pleasantville/Briarcliff campus in Westchester County, N.Y 캠퍼스에서 수업이 진행됩니다.. 평균 클래스 규모는 10-12명이고 일반영어 외에도 Preparation for study at American universities, Certified TOEIC Test Site, Credit courses for qualified students 등이 제공되고 Pace University 학사과정의 Conditional admission 도 가능합니다. Housing 은 도심에서의 민박이나 도심외곽의 기숙사 생활을 선택할 수 있고 레벨 테스트나 학생들의 목적에 맞게 반 배정을 받게 됩니다. the advanced level 의 학생은 the Intensive Program, the Pre-Undergraduate Program 또는 the Pre-Graduate Program 중에서 자신의 목적에 맞게 선택할 수 있습니다. The Pre-Undergraduate 와 Pre-Graduate program 은 Pace University 나 다른 미국 대학 진학을 희망하는 학생들을 위한 프로그램입니다.. the lower levels 에서는 reading, writing, grammar, speaking, listening 으로 구성된 the Intensive core courses 를 듣게 됩니다. 학생비자를 소지한 학생들은 주당 최소 18시간의 수업을 들어야 합니다.
미국 뉴욕주 허드슨강 동안에 있는 군, 뉴욕시 정북쪽에 있습니다. 남쪽으로 뉴욕시의 브롱크스 자치구와 롱아일랜드 만, 동쪽으로 코네티컷 주, 북쪽으로 퍼트넘 군(뉴욕 주), 서쪽으로 허드슨 강에 둘러싸여 있습니다. 웨스트체스터의 원주민은 알공킨어를 사용하는 와핑거 인디언이었으나, 1640년대에 허드슨 강을 따라 정착한 네덜란드 개척민과 지금의 코네티컷 주 경계선을 따라 정착한 뉴일글랜드 출신의 개척민에 밀려 쫒겨 났습니다.

기후조건 - 날씨 (고/저)
겨울 : 9/-4 봄; 22/-1 여름 :28/13 가을 :26/2
대외적인 평가
대학부설 학교로 대학진학을 위한 영어공부 뿐 아니라 조건부 입학을 원하는 학생들에게 인기가 높은 학교입니다.
조건부 입학 가능
엄선된 교직원들이 진행하는 수업
미국의 문화와 예술, 금융의 중심지인 뉴욕 시에서 다양한 문화를 체험할 수 있습니다.
[Intensive English Program]

Whether you study English to improve your academic success, achieve your career goals, or simply improve your life, the English Language Institute's course of study can help. Learn the essentials of grammar and writing; improve listening, speaking and pronunciation skills; enhance your vocabulary through reading; and prepare for the TOEFL test.

With the help of an advisor, students create a program of study by choosing from the courses listed below and from other courses that may be available. F-1 students must enroll in a minimum of 18 hours per week.

There are three levels in Pleasantville. Students will remain in a level until ready to move up. This may take more than one session of 7 weeks (6 weeks in the summer terms) to complete each level. Instructors target their lessons to student needs as their skills develop within each level.

- 060 - Low Intermediate
- 070 - High Intermediate
- 080 - Advanced

Grammar and Writing: Monday & Wednesday 9:00am to 11:00am
Students learn grammar in the context of their own writing and through controlled exercises from the textbook. Instructors teach students how to correct their own mistakes and improve writing by editing and revising their essays. Advanced students prepare a brief research paper. 

7-week Program $574/ 6-week Program (Summer I and II only) $492

Reading and Vocabulary: Monday & Wednesday 11:10am to 1:10pm
Through the use of newspaper articles, short stories, and academic writings, students increase their vocabulary and learn reading strategies to strengthen their ability to read advanced texts. 

7-week Program $574/ 6-week Program (Summer I and II only) $492

Oral Skills: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am to 11:00am
Students learn to speak accurately and communicate clearly. Instructors teach grammar, pronunciation, choice of vocabulary, and levels of formality in spoken English. Students make presentations on a variety of subjects and learn appropriate body language as well as, volume control, and pacing.  

7-week Program $574/ 6-week Program (Summer I and II only) $492

Conversation and Listening: Tuesday & Thursday 11:10am to 1:10pm
Students improve conversational fluency and listening comprehension. This course focuses on communicating ideas verbally in English. Instructors use audio, video and reading materials to help develop listening and speaking skills. 

7-week Program $574/ 6-week Program (Summer I and II only) $492

Academic Skills Workshop: Tuesday or Thursday 1:45pm to 4:15pm
Students study skills necessary to succeed in an academic environment. 

7-week Program $359/ 6-week Program (Summer I and II only) $308
3- week Winter Intensive Program

Effective English Communication

This 36-hour (three-credit) speaking and writing course features lively interactive exercises. Students gain fluency by practicing powerful communicative strategies for daily life and beyond. Our professors use the most current audio, video, and reading materials to boost students’ ability to achieve personal and professional success. Students will also learn grammar in the context of their own writing to develop a persuasive style.

Tuition: $450 ( Winter 2017)
Class meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,  and Thursday from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Dates: 1/4 – 1/20/ 2017
No classes on 1/16

Winter 2017
Intensive English(3주) 1/ 4 - 1/20
Spring I 2017
Intensive English(7주) 1/23 - 3/10
Spring II 2017
Intensive English(7주) 3/20 - 5/5
[Saturday ESL Program]

Classes in this program are conveniently scheduled on Saturday mornings and afternoons. Courses are designed for non-native English speakers who want to improve their English skills for personal and professional reasons.

- Small interactive class
- Professional native English speaking faculty
- Academic advisement
- Certificate available by request
- No registration or test fee
- Full use of University facilities


Spring I 2017 (January 21 - March 11, 2017)
Grammar & Conversation 10:00am-12:30pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
Business English: Skills for Success 10:30am-1:00pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
TOEFL Preparation 1:30pm-4:00pm $180, 20 hrs/1.6 credits


Spring II 2017 (March 25 - May 13, 2017)
Pronunciation & Conversation 10:00am-12:30pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
Business English: Negotiation Skills 10:30am-1:00pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
TOEFL Preparation 1:30pm-4:00pm $180, 20 hrs/1.6 credits


Summer I 2017 (May 20 - July 8, 2017)
Grammar & Conversation 10:00am-12:30pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
Business English: Skills for Success 10:30am-1:00pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
TOEFL Preparation 1:30pm-4:00pm $180, 20 hrs/1.6 credits


Summer II 2017 (July 15 - August 26, 2017)
Pronunciation & Conversation 10:00am-12:30pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
Business English: Negotiation Skills 10:30am-1:00pm $135, 18 hrs/1.5 credits
TOEFL Preparation 1:30pm-4:00pm $180, 20 hrs/1.6 credits



SPRING I: 1/ 21 - 3/ 11
SPRING II: 3/25- 5/13
SUMMER I: 5/20- 7/8
SUMMER II: 7/15 - 8/26



This 36-hour speaking and writing course features lively interactive exercises. Students gain fluency by practicing powerful communicative strategies for daily life and beyond. Our professors use the most current audio, video, and reading materials to boost students’ ability to achieve personal and professional success. Students will also learn grammar in the context of their own writing to develop a persuasive style.

[3-week Program]
Winter 2017: 1/4 -1/19
No classes on 1/16, 2017 Class meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00am to 1:00pm
Fee:$450 (including the materials)
과정 기간 학비
Intensive English (봄/가을학기 주14시간) 6주 US $1,722
Academic skills or Writing skills(9시간) 12주 US $2,280
Business Communication 7주 US $ 500
Business and Professional Writing 7주 US $ 500
Private Instruction (최소15시간) 시간당 US $ 95
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