주소 English Language Institute, Pace University, One Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038, USA
전화번호 +1 212-346-1562
팩스번호 +1 212-346-1301
홈페이지 https://www.pace.edu/eli/new-york-city-campus
설립년도 1992
학교위치 New York New York City(Manhattan)
운영레벨 4레벨
학급당 학생수 12-15
한국학생비율 30
평균재학생수 150-500
국제학생비율 중국 프랑스 일본 폴란드 한국 러시아 스위스 대만 태국
소재도시 New York City(Manhattan)
학교종류 대학부설
학교주요시설 컴퓨터 랩, 멀티미디어 랭귀지 랩, 인터넷과 도서관 등 대학의 모든 시설 이용가능
인증 aaiep
Pace 대학 부설 어학원 English Language Institute (이하 ELI) 는 1992년에 설립된 이래 어학연수생들의 영어실력향상을 위해 노력해 왔습니다. 매년 세계 각국에서부터 수많은 어학연수생들이 ELI 에서 제공하는 집중 영어 프로그램, 학사/석사 대비 프로그램을 수강하기 위해 ELI 를 찾고 있습니다. ELI의 교과과정은 보다 나은 영어지도와 학생들이 문화, 사회활동을 통해 프로그램 수강중에 배운 영어를 실생활 적용할 수 있도록 하는데 있습니다. 또한 ELI 는 각 학생의 학습능력에 맞춘 지도와 최적의 학습환경을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. ELI은 일반 영어 프로그램 이외에도 대학 진학 준비 프로그램 제공과 문화 이벤트 개최등의 폭넓은 분야에서 의 국제교류와 영어교육을 실천하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 ELI 학생들은 도서관 체육관등의 Pace 캠퍼스내 각종 시설을 모두 이용 할 수 있습니다. ELI는 일정기준이상에 부합되는 어학원들만으로 구성된 교육 연맹 AAIEP(미국 집중 영어강좌 연맹)의 가맹 어학원입니다. ELI 는 선별된 강사진을 두고 있으며 대다수의 강사들은 영어 교육(TESOL), 언어학 또는 관련 분야에서 석사 또는 박사학위를 가지고 있습니다. 또한 ELI강사들은 어학연수생 영어 교육에 관하여 특별 훈련을 받은 경험 풍부한 교직원들입니다. 해외에서 교무직을 맡으며 해외 생활 경험을 쌓아온 강사들이 많으며 이러한 경험을 바탕으로 어학연수생들에게 학교이외의 미국 생활에 관한 조언과 상담도 하고 있습니다..
미국 북동부 뉴욕 주 남동부의 시, 허드슨강 어귀에 자리잡은 항구도시이며 미국에서 가장 큰 도시권의 중심지 입니다. 맨해튼, 스태튼 롱 섬의 서쪽 끝부분, 본토의 일부, 뉴욕항과 롱아일랜드 해협의 여러섬으로 이루어져 있습니다. 그 도시권은 인접한 뉴욕, 뉴저지, 코네티컷 주의 일부에까지 뻗어 있습니다. 뉴욕시에는 정반대의 것들이 너무 흔하게 공존합니다. 지리적인 면에서나 인구통계적인 면에서나 세계에서 가장 복잡하고, 경제활동이 가장 다양하며 문화활동도 다양합니다.

기후조건 - 날씨 (고/저)
겨울 : 9/-4 봄; 22/-1 여름 :28/13 가을 :26/1
대외적인 평가
뉴욕의 대학부설 학교로 대학진학을 위한 영어공부 뿐 아니라 조건부 입학을 원하는 학생들에게 인기가 높은 학교입니다.
조건부 입학 가능
엄선된 교직원들이 진행하는 수업
미국의 문화와 예술, 금융의 중심지인 뉴욕시에서 다양한 문화를 체험할 수 있습니다.
[Intensive English Program]

Whether you study English to improve your academic success, achieve your career goals, or simply improve your life, ELI's course of study can help. Learn the essentials of grammar and writing; improve listening, speaking and pronunciation skills; and enhance your vocabulary through reading. With the help of an advisor, students create their own program of study by choosing from the courses listed below and from other courses that may be available. F-1 students must enroll in a minimum of 18 hours per week.

There are four levels. It may take 7 or 14 weeks to complete each level (6 or 12 weeks in the summer terms).

050 - Advanced Beginner
060 - Low Intermediate
070 - High Intermediate
080 - Advanced

[Pre-Graduate Program (Pre-MBA)]

Many international students want to study for graduate degrees in the U.S., but are concerned about their English proficiency and cultural differences.Success in an American graduate school requires a special set of skills. The Pre-Graduate Program can help you prepare for the American graduate school experience. The Pre-Graduate Program is the only one of its kind in New York City. Students begin to prepare for their MBA or other graduate degrees by learning the skills for academic success.
In the Pre-Graduate Program students learn to:

  • Participate actively in group discussions
  • Work on team projects
  • Conduct library and internet research
  • Organize American-style research papers
  • Apply internet skills to class projects
  • Deliver sophisticated, clear, and confident presentations
  • Listen effectively and take notes during an academic lecture
  • Read for accuracy, meaning, and speed

Our experienced instructors use innovative, student-centered methods to teach. Students learn the academic skills they will use in graduate school. Students learn to become active members of an American graduate program. The classes are small, so students are able to receive the attention they deserve. All students in the Pre-Graduate program can use Pace University's library and computer lab facilities.
In the multimedia lab, students can practice their skills with TOEFL and GMAT preparation software. Every student receives assistance on their graduate application materials from the Pre-Graduate Advisor.

[Pre-Undergraduate Program]

Academic Writing
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to college-level reading and writing and to explore various issues of American culture. Students are expected to read and think critically about assigned texts in order to develop thoughtful and effective written essays.
Students learn how to compose different styles of essays - persuasive, cause/effect, narrative and etc. Students improve grammar in the context of their own writing. Most students in the course plan to continue at Pace and are helped to prepare for meeting the requirements of university-level writing courses.
Academic Skills
This course simulates a college classroom in order to provide the skills necessary to succeed in an academic setting. Students write an American-style research paper, learn academic reading skills and test-taking strategies, as well as listen effectively and take notes during an academic lecture

[TEST Preparation Course]

Students learn the formats of the new iBT(Internet-based test) exams. Students practice test-taking strategies, time management and guessing techniques using past exams and simulated exams. Students review English grammar and vocabulary. (GMAT includes math review.)
Students develop skills and strategies for writing the TOEFL essay. The skills students will learn to include decoding the topics, speed outlining, development of ideas, introductory paragraphs, unified support paragraphs, concluding paragraphs, transitions, editing, and sentence structure. Through weekly written assignments, students will become more comfortable and confident working within the 30-minute time frame.

[English for Lawyers Program]

Course Description

The summer English for Lawyers Program is designed for students who want to prepare for study in a Master of Laws (LL.M.) program at Pace Law School or other law schools in the United States. The curriculum is based on legal issues and topics, emphasizing the language and academic skills needed to succeed in an LL.M. program. This program consists of a full-time 24hr/week schedule offering four courses.
NOTE: This program is only available at our Westchester Campus in White Plains.

[English for Professionals Program (EPP)]

[7 Week Sessions]

Career Management Skills( New Course for ESL Professionals Seeking or Changing Jobs ! )
Develop essential skills needed for a successful job interview. Gain practice researching jobs and companies and understand how to frame your own experience to fit the requirements of a job. Practice your interview questions and answers on-camera to develop confidence and make a good impression on the interviewer.

Clear and Accurate Speech I & II
Improve the clarity and accuracy of speech in professional situations by targeting the sounds, rhythm, and accurate pronunciation of standard American English. Includes intonation and stress patterns, articulation of individual vowels and consonants, and communication strategies.

Effective Business Writing I & II
Master the essential skills for writing in business and technical situations. Instruction focuses on effective organization, improved editing techniques, and appropriate tones and formats for business communication. Includes e-mail, business letters, memos, and short reports.

Grammar for Professional Communication
Learn to effectively and appropriately use advanced grammatical structures both in speaking and writing. Gain practice expressing and interpreting differences in meaning, learn to distinguish differences in closely related grammatical forms, and use new structures in a series of short writings and speaking tasks on professional topics.

Integrated Skills
Gain an overall balanced improvement in oral and written communication skills necessary for effective participation in various professional situations. Get immediate feedback on your presentations and other business communications through in-class video recording. Includes presentations, meeting skills, telephone skills, pronunciation and listening practice, and various forms of business writing.

Oral Communication Skills I & II
Develop fluency, sophistication, and diplomacy in professional communication situations through class discussions, simulations of meetings and negotiations, and in-class presentations. Get immediate feedback on your presentations and other business communications through in-class video recording. Includes effective telephone use, professional socializing, networking, and interviewing skills.

Technical Writing
Strengthen writing skills for writing in business and technical situations. Includes multiple-page reports, proposals, newsletters, professional articles, and executive summaries. Expand use of language variety, graphics and visuals. Web-enhanced course provides additional exercises for motivated students.

과정 기간 학비
Intensive English (봄/가을학기 주14시간) 12주/14주 US $ 4,428/$5,168
Pre-Graduate Program 12주/14주 US $4,560/$5,284
Pre-Undergraduate Program 12주/14주 US $ 4,560/$5,318
Test-Preparation Course (TOEFL,GMAT,GRE)         12주/14주 US $2,214/2,584
English for Lawyers Program-Summer II 5주 US $ 3,480
English for Professionals 7주 US $ 2,500
  • 미국유학닷컴
  • 카카오톡: 미국유학닷컴